donderdag 11 juni 2009

So Mediocre

So I've been slacking again. So sorry. So here's a funny haahaa, you so funny, picture to make good. So you can see, so I've been busy being succesful. So expect new shit, quick quick, boom boom. Also, partytime.

woensdag 29 april 2009

BlackBerry Throwback Post

So, I'm back in Amsterdam for sorta good I guess. So, I should probably make the most of it. So, yeah, well, So, no. Here's some random cool stuff. So, you kno, so u kno how cool I am. So, pretty fuckin goddamn awesome. So yeah. So these shots were all created. Yeah. By me. So, using the now antique n obsolete Blackberry Curve. So yeah. So I'ma be more updating n shit. So ha.

maandag 13 april 2009


So, I've been MIA like MIA. So I sorta lost my cardreader. So thats my excuse. So, deal with it.

woensdag 18 maart 2009


So I've been away again. So I'm away again. So I'm in Austinage in the Texasage. So Le Le did a bit of a showage. So I ate Steak n Eggs finally. So BYOB ur own XTC. N also drive with pride. N also, they give away the cigarettes for the free here. So, just So u know!

maandag 2 maart 2009

Doing So So

So here is some more randomness. So Just this n that. So it's not all in Tokyo anymore. So deal with it. So have fun n lol a little. So don't be a jerk today. So right?

So I'm going going back back to Paris Paris

So I went to Paris. So People came. So drugs were taken. So it was in Le Regine. So here are some early evening pics. So Vincent Vos was there. So be on the lookout for more partypics. So in those I look like I took some drugs. So maybe I did. So who knows.

dinsdag 24 februari 2009

So how awesome am I

So, this awesome!

Recent stuffings

So I went n sorted out some ticket stuff. So Satan helped me at the desk. So he was pretty helpfull. So I got my Parra x Patta insoles. So FINALLY. So thanks, also. So there's this band jocking the So Le Le steez... So I want tickets to the Watchmen premiere. So Universal, So if ur Watchmen-ing this blog. So Hook me up.

maandag 23 februari 2009

Oh hi

So I've been gone for a while. So I'll be back.

dinsdag 17 februari 2009

So I came back. So Sunday. So people came out. So I spent a little moaney. So a little lot. So I also got a My Little Pony Welcome Back Balloonage. So one love to Pim Pam and Lucci. So also more love to Donnie Varko. So also, to Wieger "wel" Zinin, and also of course to Fur Vjeze. So we saluted the Stars n Stripes. So I picked up a new Gucci necklace. So because I'm ballin' like that. So So Def.

vrijdag 13 februari 2009

Oh yes

So I'm really hungover. So I drank Champagne. So I drank Sake. So I drank shots. So I drank Budt. So I hung out with Mr. Laughing Backpackmouth. So I just got a massage. So it was for a rediculous amount of, yeah, also money. So here's your daily fix of whatever. So-age.

donderdag 12 februari 2009

So I'm dj'ing tonight. So with some other people. So here's the flyer. Also!

dinsdag 10 februari 2009

Even more Oh hi

So yeah!

Oh hi

So here's more pictures. So the bags of rock are really big over here. So there 50% off too! So let me know if you need! So also, Hair & a lot of fun. Also what do you say when Mr. Waterman smack you in the face? So, thanks Mr. Waterman! So I lovelike to get smack in the face!